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Updated by Charles Bystock on 05/28/2013

IT outsourcing consultantsThere are so many variables that determine how well your company’s IT program is able to function -- the quality of that functional output. How well you’re able to respond to change – long-term transformation or the fluctuations that occur naturally as part of daily operations.

The underlying value of IT outsourcing consultants is their ability to ensure you get the best solution. They can help get your outsourcing investigation off to a strong start, and they can stay with you throughout the  process to help you stay focused on your goals.

They do that in a systematic manner, approaching your project from at least these five key perspectives:

1. Burger King was right. You want it your way.

IT outsourcing is pointless unless you can get exactly what you want and need. There are so many alternatives and providers out there now, it’s highly likely your strongest solution lurks somewhere within the outsourcing realm. But where? Who? Like Burger King, IT outsourcing consultants know your way is the only way that makes sense for you. They can help you find that way.

They’ll start by helping you conduct an exhaustive assessment of your current infrastructure and procedures -- how you use them, how well that’s working and what it’s really costing you. After all, how can you entertain new options if you have nothing to compare them to?

But there’s more to it than that.

2. IT outsourcing consultants understand even most esoteric nuances that affect your decisions about outsourcing.

You can’t afford to overlook those “devils in the details,” because they’re crucial. They can send you off on an outsourcing tangent, rather than helping you pinpoint meaningful solutions. The results you get down the line won’t resemble anything you had in mind.

We’re talking about things like indirect costs – depreciation, and IT-related staffing and overhead expenses allocated in other ways in your budget – and intangibles, like whether employees will embrace the changes you propose or balk at implementing them. Every little functional and financial detail contributes to your true total cost of ownership.

3. IT outsourcing consultants know solution options. And the providers.

You want the right fit. So it’s vital to understand how various options will actually play out in your environment. Consultants have the IT knowledge and hands-on management to match you up with the right solutions. That includes finding the best cultural and personal fit, because successful outsourcing requires a good working relationship.

But top-flight IT outsourcing consultants won’t simply hand you a list of prospective options they think will work for you. They’ll continue to guide you through the final stages of securing those options.

4. Consultants are deft negotiators on your behalf.

You haven’t built your enterprise by being a weak negotiator. Nonetheless, the professional assistance your consultants provide at this point in your outsourcing process could be the biggest benefit of all. They can help ensure the details of your outsourcing contract address your goals for SLAs, timeframe, performance incentives or penalties, pricing and payment options.

5. Your way might mean retaining functions internally.

Because your IT outsourcing consultants are unbiased, you can count on them to help beef up performance of any functions you prefer to retain in-house. They’ll apply their same evaluation skills and advice to any area you need – not just the nuts and bolts like infrastructure, but staffing deployment. Or honing and implementing effective governance and control policies and procedures that guarantee both security and access as needed.

With a team of IT outsourcing consultants at your table, you can be confident you’ll find the best solution.

Photo credit: Gerard Stolk (vers l'Été ) via Flickr